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Zoom Phone Help

As of May 15th 2023, EPSS staff have switched from using landline phones to Zoom phone. This change has a number of implications, changing how we make and receive “voice calls”. At this time, only the EPSS Staff have made the switch, and we will update this guide as more information becomes available.

Watch the training below:

Training in a text based format: (if you prefer to learn that way)

If you have further questions, please contact the helpdesk via email at

Zoom Phone is a VOIP system built into Zoom, which allows UCLA to route calls made to campus phone numbers to individual user’s zoom accounts. Previously, you may have had a phone line assigned to you in your office, which was registered with the building manager. Zoom Phone replaces this line and associates the number to your UCLA Zoom account.

Not all phone lines will be transferred to Zoom Phone. These phone lines will remain on legacy for the time being.

  • Emergency Lines
  • Shared Lines
  • Some Automated Alerting Systems

Many Aspects of this new system are different than the older paradigm of a “land line” including that the phone number is now no longer tied to a physical location, and instead of a desktop phone receiver, the Zoom application is used to make and receive calls.

In most cases, this means that the Phone on your desk will no longer be usable, and you will have to “re-learn” how to make and receive calls using an electronic device, such as your:

  • Personal Computer
  • Personal Smartphone
  • Zoom Phone handset (will provide the closest experience to the old phone handset)