Welcome to EPSS!
EPSS IT Helpdesk staff are here to help with your IT/Computing needs.
We support many services in EPSS, including websites, networking, computer labs, mailing lists and more. If we are unable help with your problem or question we will do our best to direct you to someone who can help.
IT Support Center
For inquiries on the topics shown below, check out the IT Support Center.
- UCLA Login
- UCLA Google Login: g.ucla.edu email account
- Remote Access/VPNs
- Campus Wide Software
Creating a Ticket
Please email help@epss.ucla.edu for help with EPSS departmental IT related issues.
For urgent/time-sensitive issues, please add “URGENT” to the subject line of your email.
Sending an email will automatically create a ticket on our system.
Resources for EPSS Students
- UCLA logon (how you access campus wide services)
- Set up UCLA Email (google apps) for the first time
- UCLA Library Clicc program (laptop and virtual desktop rental)
- Campus Software (site licenses)
- Microsoft Office
- Box (cloud file storage)
- Adobe Creative Cloud (includes Acrobat DC/pro)
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at help@epss.ucla.edu.