EPSS provides two Ricoh MFD high capacity printers for use in the department. These are located in Geology 3807 (across from the Main Office). The use of these printers is open to all department members, but requires a user code to be used. You can obtain a code by emailing helpdesk@epss.ucla.edu with your name, affiliation (what lab/group) and your status (faculty, student, researcher postdoc ect)
Large classes such as EpsSci 8, 9, 10 ect. are issued their own codes, since the printing requirements for these classes is very large. If you are a TA for one of these courses, you can contact the TA coordinator, or email the helpdesk to obtain the user code for those classes.
These devices can print black and white or full color, and can also scan documents and email them to you. A USB flash drive, (must be FAT formatted to be read) can be used as well to both provide documents for printing (PDF and IMG formats only) or to store scanned files, if you do not want them emailed.
Once you have a user code, or if you have one already, follow these steps to install and use the printer. the instructions are different for macOS and Windows machines (printing from Linux is possible, but not supported at this time, if you need this function, please email the helpdesk)
For both platforms
Go to https://ricoh-usa.com and click on support and downloads. Then in the search box type “c6503”

then click on the name “MP c6503” under the drivers icon to navigate to the download page. you will be asked to agree to the Ricoh terms of service, please click yes.

The website should automatically select your operating system. for macOS computers there should be one PS driver option. For windows machines, please select the PCL6 driver once this has downloaded, please install the driver.
Windows specific instructions:
To add the printers to your computer, you will need to be connected to EPSS ethernet network, (wall jacks) or connected to EduRoam (wireless), in the Geology/Slichter building. You may encounter difficulty if you are connected your lab/group’s own wireless or switch. PhySciOpen will also not work. If you have trouble, just email the helpdesk and we can assist you.
Once you have downloaded the driver as listed above, the process is the same for both machines (color and black and white). For this tutorial, we will focus on the MP C6503, color copier. Download the driver as above, but for the windows 10 machines, select the PCL 6 driver.

Download the driver installer, then you will be given the option to unzip the contents of the driver. (if you are given a security warning, its ok to continue) when you see the dialog below, click unzip, and when the process is complete, copy the highlited text from the box and paste into a file browser.

So, in this example, we would copy “c:/temp/z80159L15” into the file browser, then hit enter to navigate to the folder, like so:

Which will bring you to the temp folder. click on “RV Setup” to launch the driver installer.

When the dialog box appears to ask if you want to allow the program to make changes click ‘yes’. You will be prompted to answer a few questions by the installer, answer ‘yes’ to the first question and then select ‘network’. The installer will try to find the printer on its own. If you see the Ricoh printer in the list, please select it and continue to “FINAL STEP” below.
Otherwise, if you see this message:

You should click ok and then click on the “click if you cannot find the device” button, then “specify device ip address” button.

Now you can enter the IP of the printer manually.
- If you are installing the c6503 driver for the color printer you must use as the ip address.
- For the MP 7503 black and white printer, use
If everything goes correctly, you should see the printer in the list, and can install it!
Once you have installed the printer, you need to add your job code to the printer dialog, otherwise your jobs will all be discarded by the printer. Go to: Start menu >> Settings >> Devices >> Printers and Scanners.

If you DON’T see the Ricoh device listed here, something went wrong! (dont worry, just email us!) . Otherwise, select the Ricoh device and click “manage.”

Then select “Printing Preferences.”

a) RICOH MP C6503 PCL 6 Printer:
And navigate to the Detailed settings tab, select the “job setup ” menu from the vertical items in the center menu and fill out your personal Job code in the “USER CODE box. Click apply and YOU ARE DONE!

b) Ricoh MP 7503 printer:
And navigate to the Basic settings tab, then click the “User Code Setting” and fill out your personal job code in the “USER CODE box. Click ok then click apply and ok and YOU ARE DONE!

If you have any problems, or even after this, you are unable to print, please reach out to us!
Instructions for macOS
On macOS, the setup of these printers takes two extra steps. Another important caveat is that unfortunately you cannot print to these printers from Safari. We have been in contact with Ricoh about this issue, and it seems it rests with how Safari implements their print drivers and settings. Any other browser will work (chrome, Firefox, edge ect).
- Open system preferences.
- Select “printers and scanners”
- to the left, in the window called printers, you will see a plus sign (+) at the bottom of the window. click this to add a printer.
- If you are connected to a wall jack on EPSS networks:
- On the network you should see two Ricoh printers at the bottom of the list with “bonjour multi function” listed under ‘kind’
- select the printer you wish to add, then wait for the fields at the bottom of the screen to populate.
- the field ‘use’ will likely default to “secure air print” which you will have to change to the “Ricoh XXXXX” value.
- If you are on Eduroam:
- if you are on Eduroam, you will have to add the printers by IP address. is the black and white printer, and is the color c6503.
- to add an IP printer, at the top left are of the ‘add’ window, you will see a grey globe icon that says IP. click on this icon.
- then enter the ip of the printer you wish to add.
- if this is successful, you should see the fields on the bottom of this window populate. be sure that under ‘use’ the proper printer model driver is selected.
- continue to the “adding job code” steps below this list.
Adding job Code on MacOS
This step assumes that you have already installed the Ricoh drivers, and that you have added the printers to your system using the steps above. Other methods may work to add the printers, but they will fail silently. To add a job code on macOS, you will have to use a print dialog from an application, such as word, PowerPoint, or a web browser other than safari.
For this example, we will use MS word.
- Open any word document.
- Open a print dialog (file>>print)
- Select the Ricoh printer you wish to use:
- Under the “presets “menu you should see a dialog dropdown called “copies & pages”, click this and select “job log”
- if ‘job log’ is not showing, its possible you need to reboot to fully add the printers, or there was a problem in adding the printers in earlier steps
- Under job log, you will see a box called “enable user code” and a field below to add you code. check the box and type your code into this field.
- Then, to save this setting, and avoid having to enter the code for every print job, click on the “presets” dropdown menu, and select “save current settings as preset”