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What is a UCLA Logon ID used for?

A UCLA logon ID, used for accessing resources such as BruinLearn, MyUCLA, Google Apps(G-suite), Box, and your EPSS email account, and many other campus services and applications.

How do I get a UCLA Logon ID?

This page will allow you to request one, or to edit your existing UCLA ID.

What is an EPSS Account used for?

EPSS department members all have an EPSS account. This account is used to access many department specific services and computers. These services are listed below.

  • accessing the computer labs in the Geology building
  • accessing the department website
  • using department VPN endpoints
  • using the new EPSS Orders app for submitting purchases.

EPSS Account Help

If you need help with this account, please contact the EPSS IT Helpdesk, or open a ticket.